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- Admin Area
- Bignor Park
- Boschung et al., 134: Fragment of a decree
- Brocklesby Park
- Broom Hall
- Broomhall
- CIG 2312: Marble Altar
- CIG 2655: Catalogue of Priests of Poseidon
- CIG 6141: Signature of Boupalos
- CIG 864b (Addenda, p. 918): Sepulchral Stele
- Chatsworth House
- Greek Inscriptions in the UK
- ID 1578: Inscribed Statue-base of Golossa
- ID 2008: Inscribed Statue-base
- IG II(2) 10817: Sepulchral Stele
- IG II(2) 11132: Sepulchral Stele
- IG II(2) 11630: Large Sepulchral relief of Theogenis, Nikodemos and Nikomache
- IG II(2) 11630: Sepulchral relief of Theogenis, Nikodemos and Nikomache
- IG II(2) 11887: Painted sepulchral stele of Kollion
- IG II(2) 13044: Fragment of the sepulchral stele of Khairion.
- IG II(2) 3415: Statue-base for Iulia Domna
- IG II(2) 4886 Votive relief set up by a demesman from Phyle.
- IG II(2) 4952: Votive relief to Herakles.
- IG II(2) 5167 : Marble throne of Boethos
- IG II(2) 5574: Fragment of a sepulchral relief of Xenokles of Alopeke.
- IG II(2) 6711: Sepulchral stele of Khairippe
- IG II(2) 6999: Sepulchral Stele
- IG VII 113: Statue of Asklepias.
- IG VII 132: Megarian sepulchral relief.
- IG XII 3 1232: Funerary Inscription by Ti. Kl. Poleas and Stasimos Rouphou
- IG XII 8. 188: Record of Kyzikine Initiates into the Samothrakian Mysteries (?)
- IG XII 8 188: Record of Kyzikine Initiates into the Samothrakian Mysteries (?)
- IG XI 4 1065: Arbitration of Dispute between Paros and Naxos
- IG XI 4 1146: Marble Altar
- IG X 2 1 901: Funerary Stele for Herennia Syriska
- IK Ephesos 2269A: Funerary Stele for Herodotos
- IK Smyrna 206: Memorial of Ti. Cl. Cu(l)chius
- IK Smyrna 244: Memorial of Ulpius Iulius Trophimos
- IK Smyrna 289: Funerary inscription by Melitea Stratoneikes
- IK Smyrna 290: Hipparchikos' Memorial
- IK Smyrna 427: Funerary Inscription for Flavia Aurelia Makaria
- Ince Blundell Hall
- Leeds, City Museum
- Liverpool
- Liverpool, Garstang Museum
- Liverpool, World Museum
- Lyme Park
- Manchester, Manchester Museum
- Manchester Museum 1981.651: Sling-shot
- Manchester Museum 42015: Bronze allotment plate
- Michaelis no. 13: Upper end of a funerary monument of Aristoklea
- SEG IX 891: Fragment of a relief
- SEG XLVII 2212: Fragment of a funerary relief
- SEG XLVII 245: Marble Lekythos for Pyrrokles
- Sample Entry: Guidelines
- TAM II 261: Honorary Inscription for Artapates of Xanthos
- Winbolt no. 2: Funerary relief of Agatheia and Brithon
- World Museum Funerary Inscription for Epaphroditos
- World Museum Decree of the Phrikyladai
- World Museum 59.148.196: Head of Alexander Severus