Sample Entry: Guidelines
Modern Publication(s): significant editions (in chronological order, starting with the earliest)
Brief description: summary of inscription content
Inscription Type: e.g. decree, epitaph, altar, dedication, etc
Object Type: e.g. stele, statue base, plaque, etc
Material: stone (with colour and type, if known; acknowledge the person who made the claim about the colour/type) or metal
Original Location: City or region, and precise standort if known, with reference to modern scholarship if appropriate; if appropriate, state line number if place of publication stated on stone
Provenance: Fundort (if known); v. important to acknowledge references and controversies
Date: exact date, or a range, and reference to relevant controversies/scholarship. Use BC/AD.
Dimensions: height, width, thickness (in that order; expressed in metres if possible). If we have not autopsied, then acknowledge the publication the measurements have come from.
Layout: e.g. stoichedon, number of rows or columns
Writing: style of lettering, distinctive features
Condition: complete or fragmentary; any damage (with acknowledgements if not by autopsy)
Decoration: relief, moulding, etc
Location: include specific location info (e.g. on display) if known. If location uncertain, offer notes on the date of latest observation.
Collector(s): name of earliest collector(s), if known; name of donor to collection; notes on intermediary owners could usefully be noted here.
Date collected: Date when the earliest known collector acquired the inscription, and/or date on which it was added to this collection .
Accession or catalogue number: Catalogue reference or accession number
Translation, or link to published translation
Give major bibliography, in this form. List in alphabetical order by surname of author:
E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris II. Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, Fasc. 1, nos. 1-395, Pars Lyciae occidentalis cum Xantho oppido (Vienna, 1920), no. 261.
A. Michaelis, Ancient Marbles in Great Britain (Cambridge, 1882), 345-7
H. A. Ormerod, 'Greek Inscriptions in the Museum of the Liverpool Royal Institution,' Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology 6 (1914), 99-108 at 106-8.
Web Links
Images or information about location of images